SeaFocus - scuba diving reviews, images and information

Join the dive specialists on the SeaFocus website

SeaFocus advertising
You can contact us using th elonk atthe bottom of the page.

If you're a diving company, tour operator or have some other link to the marine world, we would love to have you take part in our website. Our aim is to give divers access to the best available information! We accept advertising on nearly all our pages and are happy to work with you on a one-to-one basis to ensure you get the best possible responses.

SeaFocus website ranking:

Major search engines rank SeaFocus consistently in the top 10 – and sometimes first – for the following terms:

scuba diving reports | dive destination reviews | scuba diving reviews worldwide diving reports | resort and liveaboard reports
underwater photos
| scuba diving photography | dive travel guide books

Website hits:

The matrix stats supplied by our server hosts, Fasthosts, record an average of 100,000 – 180,000 page hits per month with visitors spending around three minutes on each page.

Our page hit rate has reached a record 2.5 million and Google searches show an average position of 4th on results pages.

Pages available:

Review and destination page advertising | sponsor the diving or information page that is most relevant to your business.

Underwater photography and marine species | sponsor a marine creature page that is relevant to your location. Christmas Island Tourism are on our crabs page, which ranks consistently in our top 10 most seen pages.

Advertising rates:

To ensure you get the best possible placement and coverage for your target audience please contact us for more information, schedules, current rates, available deals and additional media sizes or specifications.

Advertisement sizes: the majority of our ads are placed "above the fold" on any page and in the top right corner to give maximum visual impact. We also accept banners on some pages, see below.


300 pixels wide x 300 – 350 deep. Depth is page dependant.

480 pixels wide x 80 deep.

We only accept static (non-animated) advertising only.
Thank you so much for the fabulous exposure on your website. You have captured Medjumbe’s essence and I assure you we will take the greatest care of everyone in true Rani style.

Tish Stewart-Inglis | Rani Resorts - Sales and Marketing, Johannesburg

Taking an ad on your Jordan page was such a good move, the number of click-throughs from the home page promotion have definitely raised our profile.

Gill Balchin | SeaStar Watersports and Above & Below Adventures, Aqaba